
We are a team of believers.
KOQ Agency was born with the vision of curating global touring experiences for Queer and Ally artists. We create and secure the best live music opportunities for our roster of artists in the drag, music, and entertainment industries. Our goal is to unite supporters with their favorite no matter where they are.

The ideas of shows we would love to attend has turned into the tours we bring to life. This is the case of our upcoming and highly anticipated U.S. tour for multi-platinum band AQUA, represented exclusively by KOQ in the U.S.

From music legends like Crystal Waters, the Queen of House, and the EDM icon VASSY, to stunning performers like RuPaul’s Drag Race All-star winners Kylie Sonique Love and Jimbo the Drag Clown; we at KOQ understand each artist’s unique brand, their impact, and their social responsibility.

Discover our diverse Roster of talents.
You’ll be entertained.

Javier Simons



Rejections are Redirections -VASSY

B.S Music Business

MBA candidate – Jones Graduate School of Business at Rice University

Music Agent | Tours

Quentin Beverly


“Build Bridges, Not Walls”
B.S. Music & Psychology
M.A. Arts Administration
Music Agent | Tours

Rami García

PR and Communications


Colombian Magical Realist Into Live Music, Art, Fashion And LGBTQ+ affairs.

B.S Audiovisual Communication

🦋 Sybarite, Epicurean, Curious & Un Petit Mondaine

Juan Jiménez

Web Designer

🇻🇪 living in 🇨🇴
Event Producer
Social Media Manager


Questions, offers, or fan-mail?. Reach KOQ here:


Austin – Los Angeles – Medellín

Email: [email protected]

All rights reserved – 2023